In yoga, the number 108 has significance as the number representing spiritual completion. Sun salutations are often performed in nine rounds of the 12 postures which totals 108 poses. A yoga mala consists of 108 sun salutations. Pranayama is also often completed in cycles of 108. This is a challenging flow incorporating 108 yoga moves. Enjoy!
Length of practice - when you start, hold each posture for 3 breaths, and gradually increase to 8 breaths. Pranayama or breath practice is ujjayi breathing through the nose, smooth slow even breaths, with the inhale and exhale the same length.
Props Needed: In addition to a yoga mat, you may wish to use a yoga block, blanket, and bolster or cushions. It is helpful to have a timer to know how long to hold the poses.
Sitting in a comfortable cross-legged position such as half lotus, on a cushion or folded blanket, cupping right hand in your left (or left hand in your right, for men), with straight back, sit in meditation and breathe gently and evenly for 5 minutes. Eyes may be closed or slightly open contemplating the candle.
Come to standing on your yoga mat.
Standing in Tadasana or Mountain Pose, inhaling, spread your arms out and up, reaching to the sky, bringing your palms together and looking at your hands.
Exhaling, fold out and down, placing your fingertips on the floor or a block just in front of your feet in Uttanasana or standing forward bend.
Inhaling, lift up to flat back and look forward.
Exhaling, fold back into Uttanasana and step back into high plank with back straight, eyes looking at the floor.
Continuing to exhale, do a yoga push-up - chataranga.
Inhaling, come into upward dog or cobra.
Exhaling, curl your toes under and come into downward dog. Hold for up to 8 breaths.
Inhaling, step forward into Uttanasana moving into flat back.
Exhaling, fold to Uttanasana.
Inhaling, reach your arms out and up into Mountain Pose.
Exhaling, bring your hands together at your heart.
Standing in Tadasana or Mountain Pose, inhaling, spread your arms out and up, reaching to the sky, bringing your palms together and looking at your hands.
Exhaling, fold out and down, placing your fingertips on the floor or a block just in front of your feet in Uttanasana or standing forward bend.
Inhaling, lift up to flat back and look forward.
Exhaling, fold back into Uttanasana and bend your knees into chair pose and hold for up to 8 breaths.
On the last exhale, straighten your legs and return to Uttanasana.
Exhaling, fold back into Uttanasana and step back into high plank with back straight, eyes looking at the floor.
Continuing to exhale, do a yoga push-up - chataranga.
Inhaling, come into upward dog or cobra.
Exhaling, curl your toes under and come into downward dog. Hold for up to 8 breaths.
Turning your left foot out slightly, step forward with the right into Warrior 1, sweeping your arms overhead, bring your palms together, with slightly backbend if desired, gaze at your hands, hold for up to 8 breaths.
On an exhale, bring your arms to shoulder height into Warrior 2, and hold for up to 8 breaths.
On an exhale, slide your left hand down your left leg.
Inhaling, bring your right arm up and back to Warrior Crescent Moon and hold for up to 8 breaths.
On an exhale, bring your arms back to Warrior 2 and reach out and down into Trikonasana or triangle pose on the right. Hand may rest lightly on the leg, or fingertips may rest on the ground to the outside of the right ankle. Hold for up to 8 breaths.
Inhaling, come back to standing.
Move the back foot slightly forward.
Exhaling, place your right hand on the floor slightly forward and to the right of your right foot, forming 2 points of a triangle.
Inhaling, come into Ardha Chandrasana by lifting your left foot up and back to hip height, flexing the foot with the inner edge of the foot parallel to the floor.
Place your left hand on your hip, opening up through the left side.
Extend your left hand up to the sky, and hold for up to 8 breaths.
Exhaling, slide the left foot back and place on the mat, while bending the front leg to 90 degrees.
Place your right hand on the floor or a block on the outside of your right foot, or rest your bent right arm on your right leg.
Sweep your left hand up and over, looking up towards the ceiling or armpit, and hold for up to 8 breaths.
Turning your back foot on to your toes, bring both hands to the mat on the inside of your bent front leg into runner’s stretch. Alternatively you may bend your elbows and rest your forearms on the mat. Hold for up to 8 breaths.
Step back into downward dog. Hold for up to 8 breaths.
Step forward into uttanasana, on an inhale.
Exhaling, fold back into Uttanasana.
Bend your knees into chair pose and hold for up to 8 breaths.
Exhaling, step back into high plank with back straight, eyes looking at the floor.
Continuing to exhale, do a yoga push-up - chataranga.
Inhaling, come into upward dog or cobra and hold for up to 8 breaths.
Exhaling, curl your toes under and come into downward dog. Hold for up to 8 breaths.
Turning your right foot out slightly, step forward with the left into Warrior 1, sweeping your arms overhead, bring your palms together, with slightly backbend if desired, gaze at your hands, hold for up to 8 breaths.
On an exhale, bring your arms to shoulder height into Warrior 2, and hold for up to 8 breaths.
On an exhale, slide your right hand down your right leg, and inhaling, bring your left arm up and back to Warrior Crescent Moon and hold for up to 8 breaths.
On an exhale, bring your arms back to Warrior 2 and reach out and down into Trikonasana or triangle pose on the left. Hand may rest lightly on the leg, or fingertips may rest on the ground to the outside of the left ankle. Hold for up to 8 breaths.
Inhaling, come back to standing, and move the back foot slightly forward.
Exhaling, place your left hand on the floor slightly forward and to the right of your left foot, forming 2 points of a triangle.
Inhaling, come into Ardha Chandrasana - lift your right foot up and back to hip height, flexing the foot with the inner edge of the foot parallel to the floor.
Place your right hand on your hip, opening up through the right side.
Extend your right hand up to the sky, and hold for up to 8 breaths.
Exhaling, slide the right foot back and place on the mat, while bending the front leg to 90 degrees.
Place your left hand on the floor or a block on the outside of your right foot, or rest your bent left arm on your right leg. Sweep your right arm up and over, gaze is up towards the ceiling or armpit. Hold for up to 8 breaths.
Turning your back foot on to your toes, bring both hands to the mat on the inside of your bent front leg into runner’s stretch. Alternatively you may bend your elbows and rest your forearms on the mat. Hold for up to 8 breaths.
Step back into downward dog. Hold for up to 8 breaths.
Fold on to your knees in table.
Lift your right leg up and back, hip height.
Bring the right leg forward and bend into Fire Hydrant pose, holding for up to 8 breaths.
Bring the right leg forward into pigeon pose, hold for three to five minutes. In necessary, tuck a cushion or folded blanket under your right hip.
Return to table position.
Lift your left leg up and back, hip height.
Bring the left leg forward and bend into Fire Hydrant pose, holding for up to 8 breaths.
Bring the left leg forward into pigeon pose, hold for three to five minutes.
Return to downward dog, holding for up to 8 breaths.
Hop forward into dandasana, or staff pose, holding for up to 8 breaths.
Reach arms up overhead, and exhaling, bend forward into Pashimottasana or seated forward bend, holding for up to 8 breaths.
Tucking the left leg in half lotus, lift the right leg into half boat and hold for up to 8 breaths.
Hold on to the right ankle or calf, with straight back, and hold for up to 8 breaths.
Exhaling, lower the right leg, and twist slightly to the left, bowing over the bent leg.
Exhale. Holding the outer edge of your right foot with your left hand, bow to the right.
Exhale and fold over the extended leg into Janu Sirsasana A, holding on to the foot with both hands (or using a belt if needed).
Inhale back to sitting, bending the right leg, placing the right foot flat on the floor
Holding the bent knee, exhale into a right twist, looking over your right shoulder (Mariachasana B).
Tucking the right leg in half lotus, lift the left leg into half boat and hold for up to 8 breaths.
Hold on to the left ankle or calf, with straight back, and hold for up to 8 breaths.
Exhaling, lower the left leg, and twist slightly to the right, bowing over the bent leg.
Exhale. Holding the outer edge of your left foot with your right hand, bow to the left.
Exhale and fold over the extended leg into Janu Sirsasana A, holding on to the foot with both hands (or using a belt if needed).
Inhale back to sitting, bending the left leg, placing the left foot flat on the floor.
Holding the bent knee, exhale into a left twist, looking over your left shoulder (Mariachasana B).
Come into kneeling, and sit between your heels in Hero’s pose for up to 8 breaths. If needed, you may sit on a folding blanket or cushion or block.
Fold back into reclined hero and hold for 3-5 minutes. If knees lift up, place folded blankets or bolster or blocks under your back for support. Hands may be placed on the soles of your feet or stretched out overhead.
Come back into downward dog for up to 8 breaths.
Lying on your back, bend your knees and come into a half bridge with arms bent and fingers pointing towards the sky, holding for up to 8 breaths.
Gently lower your back on to the mat.
Lift up into half bridge with hands interlaced, holding for up to 8 breaths.
Lying on your back, bend your knees and come into a half bridge with arms bent and fingers pointing towards the sky, holding for up to 8 breaths.
Gently lower your back on to the mat.
Lying on your back, bend your knees and come into a half bridge or wheel, holding for up to 8 breaths.
Gently lower your back on to the mat.
Come into baby Buddha for up to 8 breaths.
Hugging your knees, gently circle to the right several times.
Gently circle to the left several times
Fold over on to your side and come to kneeling.
Fold into child’s pose and hold for 3 to 5 minutes.
Come into headstand and hold for 3 to 5 minutes.
Fold back down into child’s pose and hold for up to 8 breaths.
Lie down in savasana for minimum of 3 minutes, and ideally up to 10 minutes.