While I always knew that yoga is to prepare you for sitting in meditation, it wasn't until I started this daily practice - into my fourth month - that I realized that how it can transform your ability to sit for longer periods of time.
There are a myriad of the benefits of each pose:
1. Salamba balasana - child's pose
- stretches out the ankles
- relaxes the back muscles
- relieves tension in the pelvis
- increases blood flow to your head and neck
- stimulates the digestive system
- helps normalize the circulation before and after headstand
2. Supta virasana - reclined hero
- helps to reduce cardiac disorders
- stretches the abdomen, back and waist
- relieves rheumatism and pain in the upper and middle back
- aids digestion after a heavy meal
- soothes acidity and stomach ulcers
- relieves the symptoms of asthma
- reduces menstrual pain and helps treat disorders of the ovaries
- regulates blood pressure
- prevents hernia as the hips and groin become more supple
- relieves varicose veins and sciatica
- reduces the pain caused by hemorrhoids
- relieves indigestion and flatulence
- improves blood circulation in the ovarian region, and s particularly beneficial during puberty and mouse
- alleviates menstrual pain and leukorrhea
- corrects a prolapse uterus
- prevents the arteries of the heart from thickening and ensures healthy blood circulation throughout the body
- strengthens the abdominal and pelvic organs
- stimulates the pituitary, pineal, and thyroid glands
- helps relieve depression
- prevents prolapse of the uterus
- helps prevent excess menstrual flow and eases menstrual cramps
- alleviates hypertension
- relieves insomnia and soothes there nerves
- improves the functioning of the thyroid and parathyroid glands
- alleviates asthma, bronchitis, and throat ailments
- relieves breathlessness and palpitations
- helps to treat colds and sinus blockages
- improves bowel movements and relieves colitis
- helps to treat hemorrhoids
- alleviates urinary disorders
- helps to treat a prolapsed uterus and reduces uterine fibroies
- relieves congestion and heaviness in the ovaries and hips to treat ovarian cysts
- relieves fatigue and boosts energy levels
- rejuvenates the abdominal organs and improves digestion
- helps to treat genre and hemorrhoids if practised with legs separated
- relieves pain or cramps in the fingers, hands, wrists, elbows, and shoulders if practised with arms and interlocked fingers extended toward the legs
- reduces the occurrence of heart palpitations
- helps to cure halitosis
- improves the function of the pituitary and pineal glands
- increases the hemoglobin content in the blood
- relieves the symptoms of colds, coughs, and tonsillitis
- brings relief from digestive and eliminatory problems, when practised in conjunction with Salamba Sarvangasana
- regulates blood pressure
- helps treat ear and eye ailments, stress-related headaches, and migraine
- relieves palpitation, breathlessness, asthma, bronchitis, and throat ailments
- alleviates arthritis and cervical spondylosis
- relieves digestion, diarrhea, and nausea
- helps treat kidney disorders
- prevents varicose veins