Well, over two years has gone by since my last post. We have experienced the strangest of times, something that has impacted the whole world, and on a scale that I have never experienced in my lifetime.
When the first news of Covid hit us, with cancellation of classes and events, and the necessity of starting to wear masks to go grocery shopping, or anywhere, I thought it was a temporary glitch, something that would last a few weeks, or at most a month or two.
In April 2020 I start sewing cloth masks for myself, friends and family. There were already shortages - the most notable being no toilet paper! - and as elastic was back-ordered I contemplated not making the masks. I actually thought it wasn't necessary. 2 1/2 years later and we are still wearing masks, though now it is optional, and despite vaccinations and boosters, many more people are getting Covid, though symptoms are much less severe.
There was a surge in zoom based events, and I started with enthusiasm, doing yoga and zumba classes online, as well as a year long course on Shamanism with Hank Wesselman. Zoom fatigue soon set in. Family visits were postponed, cancelled, rescheduled, and postponed yet again. In September 2022, I visited my son and his wife in Coquitlam and met Finn, who was born in August 2020. And yet, I have only just seen him and his brother Keegan again this week, two whole years later.
We were isolated, and for those of us living alone, it was a particularly lonely time. We were only supposed to get together with one other person. My lifeline was friend and neighbour Jinny.
Working from home is still the norm for many people. I am starting a number of new courses online, yoga, meditation, zumba, a course on Seth, and a new course with the now deceased Hank Wesselman.
And I have again - after a long hiatus - returned to my daily yoga practice. I am on Day 19 of a renewed daily practice of yoga and meditation, and yesterday added an evening meditation and yoga for sleep practice. I feel energized, renewed, as if I have spent the past two years as a chrysalid, and have finally emerged as a butterfly.
My next two posts will describe my morning and evening practices.